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Samhain is afoot - connect with your ancestors!
Register below..
Tuesday, 10/25 @ 11:00am CST | 12:00pm EST | 6:00pm CET
(will go for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours)
Samhain - also known as Halloween, the Hallow's Eve, is the most potent time of the year that marks the end of the harvest, and most importantly, the time when the veils to the Spirit world are thinning and we connect with our ancestors.
Celebrated on October 31st in the Nothern hemisphere, we honor the cycle of death and rebirth. This activation is to prepare yourself to step forth and honor those who have gone before you, heal what is yet to be seen and released, and even receive messages from your Loved ones that have passed to the other realm.
We will create magick through sigils and potent intentions, gather tools to set up shrines for our ancestors and step into the beyond to receive what they desire to bring through in a Quantum activation.
Set the stage, gather all you need to prepare your own shrine, and come open and curious about what will unfold.
Here's what you'll need:
Your journal
A large candle (can also be done afterwards)
Investment: Sliding scale U.S.$ 33
Once you signed up I'll send out a Zoom link - replays
will be available.
I look forward to you joining me! Share and invite your friends so that we can open this potent portal where we get in touch with our ancestors, and truly honor the cycles of life.
The only questions remaining ..
Are you ready??
And remember: you can absolutely create and live your Sacred Dream in joyful Abundance.
Be Fierce
Steph, xx
PS: Tuesday also marks a New Moon and the beginning of the Eclipse season.. powerful day to claim your throne and see how you will fare the next few months in this lunar magick!
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