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One on One

💎 Divine Emerging

- a One-on-One 3-months transformational mentorship journey to tap into your Soul to find your voice and completely overhaul your life to a more aligned and prepared path toward an existence in which we live in higher vibrations and in resonance with our life’s purpose.


This transformation will allow you to remember who you truly are, give you the tools to fully embody your gifts and use your voice to spread your message in a way that it is powerfully presented, received through the gateway of the heart and result in impacting thousands of people, all awhile living in abundance and walking your own true path.


What you can expect to happen during our time together...
💎 Release of limiting beliefs and blockages from this and past lifetimes
💎 Reset of your nervous system
💎 Healing of your bloodline 7 generations past and future
💎 Soul-aligned actions steps that allow you to thrive
💎 Living from a place of sovereignty
💎 Claiming your power
💎 Going super deep into your Soul’s purpose and how you bring
your message to the world
💎 Galactic upgrades to your 5-D multi-dimensionality
💎 Downloads and Codes to perfectly align you to your Soul’s purpose
💎 Clarity on your path moving forward in areas of your life such as
* relationships
* purpose
* wealth
* health
* spirituality
* contributions, and more ...


“From the moment I first met Stephanie I knew she would be part of a profound shift in my life. I underestimated quite how powerful her mentorship it would be.

She is a highly intuitive and gifted healer, with a vast and authoritative trunk full of modalities to help you to release and clear any trauma, blocks, self-sabotaging behavior, and self- limiting beliefs so that you can step confidently into your life’s path, live with joy and reclaim your sovereignty.

Steph is the perfect balance of nurturing, and straight-talking. As a client, you know that you are lovingly held and supported in a beautifully safe container, but at the same time, She won’t hesitate to bring those ugly, shameful stories hiding in the darkness within into the light so that you can shatter them once and for all. Her gifts enable her to see straight into your soul, to know your core being, to see the magic that you bring to this life and the purpose that you are meant to share with the collective.

I was mentored by Stephanie in her Divine Emerging container and I can honestly say it was more transformative than I expected. Stephanie’s balance of playfulness and ritual combined with deeply transformative healing was immensely powerful and really enjoyable. I feel the ripples through all areas of my life and I’m eternally grateful for her grace and guidance.”
~ Julia Binks, Transformational Coach

Divine Emerging is by applications only; it is not for the faint of heart and only for those 100% committed to their path! To see if we are a good fit, book your complimentary discovery session here.


Group Offering











A 5-week Intensive to deconstruct what stands in the way of you RISING and ROARING like you
mean it!

🔥 Practical tools to SELF-MASTERY including how
to UTILIZE YOUR VOICE in an embodied way so that
your message WILL come across
show up as WHO YOU TRULY ARE
🔥 DECONSTRUCTING your inner Monster from
(fuck fear of judgment, doubts around worthiness
and deserving, body image, etc.)
🔥 STRETCH from fearing into BELIEVING
🔥 UNLEASH YOUR CREATIVITY to lean into your
… and so much more!

WHY NOW? It is my heartfelt belief that there is no better time to hone in on your gifts and to
finally cross the threshold to standing in YOUR TRUTH.

And I also know deep within my bones that we need to RISE and ROAR to fight for our FREEDOM
and SOVEREIGNTY. And doing so in commUNITY creates a strong ripple in which we RISE AS ONE
all while we share our OWN UNIQUE MEDICINE with the world.

Anchoring in our UNIQUE ENERGY SIGNATURE into the grid allows us to co-create what we desire
to see come into BEING and to live in a world where WE GET TO CHOOSE what is best for us,
our families and loved ones and community at large.

🌀 Weekly Teachings and 5D Activations
🌀 Weekly Group Calls
🌀 Rituals and Ceremonies (incl. for the Collective)
🌀 Challenges to bust the bubble to greatness
🌀 Creative outlets and inspirations
🌀 Journaling prompts
… and more!


💫 1:1 Quantum Healing and personalized Activation to unleash and anchor in Your Purpose

Are you WILLING to walk through the FIRE to shift from FEAR to FIERCE and to finally live
the life you deserve? NO MORE HOLDING BACK!

The choice is yours! Just know, either way, you are choosing!  May as well make the best out
of this crazy human ride.

Next one TBD



Find out what clients thought here ...

Client's voices

💫 Divine Gateways

Where Ancient Wisdom Traditions
meet Quantum Expansion
- 4 week group program that dives deep into the cycles and different elements of the Q’ero medicine wheel and aspects of our inner landscapes and how to use these energies to ride the waves of life in all its beauty. Paired with the quantum realm to dismantle and release any blockages,programming, and cords you hold from past or this lifetime to truly step into your exuberance. Topped off with rituals to integrate into your daily life.

To stay deeply rooted amidst of current chaos and confusion and to very intentionally tap into the quantum realm to co-create your Sacred Dream. What I found in my expansion is that we are moving away from suffering and dwelling in the depth of healing our traumas to the ability to quantum jump and timeline collapse into higher states of being. I deeply value medicine wheels as a reflection of and guidance in life, and love to navigate them in the quantum realm.

🔥 South ~ Serpent: shedding old ways of being
🔥 West - Jaguar: transforming fear to love
🔥 North - Hummingbird: listening to the messengers of the Soul
🔥 East - Condor: visionary, leading from the place of the heart

Next round TBD


To join and for more info, message me here!

The more the merrier! Let's make this an enormous ripple of Love across the Globe! Invite your friends ...

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